Scroll the page to view the available ratings data, which is described below.Open Play Console and go to the Ratings page ( Ratings and reviews > Ratings).

Browse ratings Using the Play Console website They also show you if each review is public or not. Notifications and status indicators on the Ratings and Reviews pages will tell you if your app is paused, and the resolution of any investigation. Once complete, we will unpause and remove any ratings or reviews that were found to be abusive. If suspicious activity is detected during the 24-hour delay period, all new ratings and reviews for your app will be held back from being published publicly while we investigate. This allows you to continue to provide great customer service and quickly address any issues your users may be experiencing. You can still see and reply to new reviews, even if they aren’t yet public. Instead, new submissions are generally held back for around 24 hours. To allow us to protect your app on Google Play and automatically detect suspicious ratings and reviews activity, we do not publicly post user reviews immediately, and new ratings do not immediately impact your published rating. Tip: If you're a user looking for information on reviews that you've posted, go to the Google Play Help Center. Users can only rate an app once, but they can update their rating or review at any time. Users can rate your app on Google Play with a star rating and review. When you select a dimension, you'll see the data plotted in the graph above.In Play Console, you can see an overview of your app's ratings, individual user reviews, and clustered data about your app's reviews. To help you organize, segment, and analyze your data, you can organize and view a report using an available dimension. To see the stack traces for that crash or freeze, tap Stack traces.NullPointerException or IllegalArgumentException).